Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Indonesian Traditional Weapons

* Traditional Weapons of DI Aceh province - the Aceh Darussalam is Rencong

* Traditional Weapons of North Sumatera Province - North Sumatera is Surit Piso, Piso Gaja densely packed
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of West Sumatera - West Sumatera is Karih, Ruduih, barb
* Weapons Traditional Sword from Riau Province is JenaWi, Badik Pound Lado
* Traditional Weapons of Jambi province, Badik Pepper Mash
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of Sumatera Selatan - South Sumatra is Trisula Spear
* Traditional Weapons of Lampung Province is Terapang, Pehduk Payan
* Traditional Weapons of Bengkulu Province is the nape, Badik, Rudus
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of DKI Jakarta is Badik, Machete, Machete

* Traditional Weapons of West Java Province - Jabar is Kujang
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of Central Java - Central Java is Kris
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of DI Yogyakarta - Jogja - Jogja Jogjakarta is Kris
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of East Java - Java is Clurit
* Traditional Weapons of Bali Province is Kris
* Traditional Weapons of the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat - NTB is Kris, Sampari, Sondi
* Traditional Weapons of the province of East Nusa Tenggara - NTT is Sundu
* Traditional Weapons of West Kalimantan province - West Kalimantan is Mandau
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of Central Kalimantan - Central Kalimantan is Mandau, Lunjuk Randu Chopsticks
* Traditional Weapons of South Kalimantan Province - South Kalimantan is the Keris, Bujak pickaxe
* Traditional Weapons of the Province of East Kalimantan - East Kalimantan is Mandau
* Traditional Weapons of North Sulawesi province - Sulawesi is Kris, peda, Sabel
* Traditional Weapons of Central Sulawesi province - Sulawesi is Pasatimpo
* Traditional Weapons of Southeast Sulawesi province - is tailor Keris
* Traditional Weapons of South Sulawesi province - Sulawesi is Badik
* Traditional Weapons of Maluku province is Parang Salawaki / Salawaku, Kalawai
* Traditional Weapons of the province of Irian Jaya - Papua is the Knife Dagger

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

sistem saraf pada manusia dalam format power point

Slide 2
»Bagian Sel Saraf Manusia
»Sel saraf (neuron) memiliki bentuk yang khas. Sel saraf terdiri dari bagian-bagian: badan sel saraf, serabut saraf dendrit dan serabut saraf neurit (atau akson). Badan sel saraf terdiri dari sitoplasma, butir-butir Nissl dan inti sel.
»Serabut saraf dendrit berupa serabut saraf berukuran pendek, berjumlah banyak dan bercabang banyak. Sedangkan akson berukuran panjang, biasanya hanya satu, diselimuti oleh seludang myelin berupa sel-sel Schwan serta bercabang menuju sinapsis. Di antara sel-sel Schwan terdapat celah yang disebut nodus Ranvier.
»Bagian-bagian sel saraf memiliki fungsi yang berbeda, yaitu:
»Serabut saraf dendrit: menghantarkan rangsang (impuls) dari luar sel saraf menuju ke badan sel saraf.
»Badan sel saraf: tempat metabolisme sel saraf.
»Serabut saraf akson (=neurit): menghantarkan rangsang (impuls) dari badan sel saraf menuju ke luar badan sel saraf.
»Persambungan (sinapsis): tempat pertemuan ujung akson sel saraf dengan ujung dendrit sel saraf lainnya, sehingga merupakan tempat perpindahan impuls menuju sel saraf lainnya.
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sistem ekskresi pada manusia power point

Ekskresi adalah proses pengeluaran zat – zat sisa agar tidak menjadi racun bagi tubuh.
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